Cheap Video Editing: A Cautionary Tale for Video Editing Clients


In the ever-expanding world of video production, the allure of hiring freelancers from different corners of the globe has grown with the further development of high speed digital technology. The promise of cost-effectiveness and access to far ranging talent can be tempting, but the reality can be far from ideal. At Bcreative Digital Media, we understand the challenges that potential clients may face when working with freelancers scattered worldwide. In this blog post, we shed light on the potential problems that may arise when relying on global freelancers and caution against the risks they pose to your project's success.

Communication Roadblocks and Language Barriers

Collaborating with freelancers across different countries and time zones can create communication chaos. Attempting to coordinate meetings, discussions, and updates amidst varying time differences can lead to delayed responses and confusion.

Moreover, language barriers can significantly impact project clarity and understanding. Miscommunication and misunderstandings may lead to incomplete or misaligned deliverables, hindering the overall project's success.

Reliability and Dependability Concerns

In the fast-paced world of video production, timely delivery is paramount. However, relying on freelancers scattered worldwide increases the risk of encountering reliability issues. Factors such as internet connectivity problems, cultural holidays, or regional emergencies may disrupt the workflow and jeopardize project timelines.

The absence of a shared sense of responsibility and accountability can make global freelancers less dependable during critical project phases and create coordination complexity for last-minute changes

In video production, last-minute changes and revisions are not uncommon. When working with freelancers in different far off time zones, coordinating these changes can become a logistical nightmare. Time-sensitive tasks may take longer than necessary due to delayed responses and back-and-forth communications.

The Cost of Quality

One crucial aspect that often tempts video clients to explore global freelancers is cost-cutting. Bargain-basement rates, such as those as low as $20 per hour for video editing, might seem like a cost-effective solution. However, it's essential to be aware of the hidden costs of a project that may be embarrassing or unusable. Video editing requires a skilled eye, technical expertise, and creativity, which may not be present in freelancers offering unrealistically low prices. Dealing with an unqualified freelancer can prove to be a costly investment of a client's valuable time and resources. Time spent communicating, overseeing, and attempting to rectify mistakes made by an inexperienced freelancer can quickly add up, causing delays in project completion. As the saying goes, time is money, and every hour wasted on subpar work or misunderstandings is an hour that could have been devoted to more productive endeavors. Furthermore, the frustration and stress caused by dealing with an unqualified freelancer can have a ripple effect on the client's overall efficiency and focus, hindering their ability to handle other crucial tasks.

The Unhappy Outcome

When video production suffers due to the challenges of low cost freelancers, it's ultimately the clients who bear the brunt of dissatisfaction from things such as delays, miscommunication, and a final product that doesn't meet expectations and may be embarrassing or unusable.


At Bcreative Digital Media, we understand the allure of tapping into low budget resources. However, we suggest clients exercise caution when considering working with such. The communication challenges, reliability issues, and coordination complexities associated with far flung freelancers can significantly impact a project's outcome and client satisfaction.

Instead, we encourage clients to prioritize collaboration, accountability, and expertise when choosing video production partners. At Bcreative Digital Media, we are committed to delivering high-quality video productions that leave our clients satisfied and eager to work with us again.

We firmly believe that the cost of quality is an investment in your brand's reputation and the success of your video project. We encourage you to choose experienced and reputable video producers, who offer competitive rates that reflect their level of expertise.

At Bcreative Digital Media, we hope our 37 year track record, examples of our work posted on and our Google reviews speak for themselves. 

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