Keep Your Videos Short

In the era of digital media, our approach to video content has undergone a significant evolution. Gone are the days of lengthy 8-15 minute productions dominating our screens. Welcome to a time where everyone carries a mini movie theater in their pocket, and attention spans are shrinking by the second.

Today, viewers are swiping away from videos within mere seconds, with a mere 21-second window marking the sweet spot for video completion on platforms like TikTok. Whether or not we personally engage with these digital platforms, it's crucial to recognize that our audience does, and their viewing habits are being profoundly influenced by them. For instance, YouTube's recent introduction of "SHORTS" mirrors Instagram's "Reels," offering a max duration of just 60 seconds.

In this landscape, brevity is not just desirable—it's essential. Unless your content is inherently captivating or entertaining (think porn), it's ideal to convey your message within 60 seconds or less. Need more time? Consider breaking it down into bite-sized segments.

The advantages of short-form videos over lengthy ones are numerous:

  1. Attention Span: Online audiences have notoriously short attention spans. Short videos are easier to consume and hold viewers' attention better than longer ones. Algorithms favor videos that are watched in full, pushing them to wider audiences.

  2. Shareability: Short videos are highly shareable on social media, quickly disseminating among friends and followers. This increased sharing leads to more views and engagement, as algorithms prioritize content that is shared.

  3. Diverse Content: Crafting multiple short videos allows for a diverse range of content, catering to a broader audience. From product demos to behind-the-scenes footage and testimonials, there's something for everyone.

  4. Versatility: Short videos can be repurposed across various platforms and channels, maximizing their reach and cost-effectiveness. Whether on a website, social media, or in email marketing, their adaptability is unmatched.

  5. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Hosting multiple short videos on a website can enhance its SEO, improving its visibility and ranking on search engine results pages.

Pro Tip: On average, 120-140 words equate to roughly 60 seconds of video content—a handy guideline for crafting concise messages that resonate with audiences.


Tips for producing video content that works!